
Exhausting Personal Injury Protection Benefits

Posted on behalf of James Lynch on December 11, 2020  in Car Accident News. Updated on February 7, 2025

when pip benefits run outIn New Jersey, every driver is required to have Personal Injury Protection (PIP) as part of his or her insurance coverage. Injuries from a serious car crash can be very expensive to treat, which means your PIP benefits could be exhausted quickly, particularly if you have the minimum amount of coverage. This often leaves accident victims with questions about future medical bills and how to pay for them.

If your PIP benefits run out, you may still have options for recovering compensation for your out-of-pocket medical expenses. Call our car accident lawyers in New Jersey to discuss those options today. We do not charge you anything upfront and offer a free consultation, so there is no risk to you.

What You Should Do After Your PIP Runs Out

It is always important to continue medical treatment. If you stop, your injuries could get worse and you may not recover as well as you would have if you had kept going to the doctor.

One of the first things you can do after your PIP benefits run out is contact your health insurance provider and find out if they will cover your medical treatment. While some of your treatment may be covered, you will still be responsible for copays, deductibles and other out-of-pocket expenses. Make sure to keep track of these costs, as you may be able to include them in an injury claim filed with the at-fault driver’s insurance.

It is important to note your health insurance company may place a lien on any compensation your attorney recovers from an injury claim. That way the insurance company can be reimbursed for the money it paid out for your medical treatment.

Another option for paying for medical treatment is negotiating with the hospital to not send bills to debt collectors until your attorney resolves your injury claim. This is something your attorney can get involved in and help you negotiate. This may involve working out a payment plan with the hospital. However, keep in mind, you must make every payment on time. Otherwise, the hospital or medical provider may demand payment in full right away.

Will the At-Fault Driver’s Insurance Cover Me?

New Jersey is a no-fault state. That means that when you are injured in an accident, you must file any injury claims through your own insurance first. If your PIP benefits run out and the person who is liable for the accident has bodily Injury liability insurance, you may be able to file a claim against that coverage.

However, it is important to keep in mind that the limits to the at-fault driver’s insurance also come into play. Some people may not have enough liability insurance to cover extensive injuries. This is where underinsured motorist coverage may come into play. This is optional coverage in your own policy for when the at-fault driver’s coverage runs out.

Call an Experienced Attorney for Answers to Your Questions

Insurance companies use all kinds of tactics to try and deny or devalue an injury victim’s claim. Therefore, it is important to have the right attorney by your side who will work to maximize your compensation.

The attorneys at Lynch Law Firm, PC work on a contingency basis, meaning we do not charge you anything upfront and we do not get paid unless you do. There is no risk in calling us for help. We have obtained hundreds of millions in compensation on behalf of our clients.*

Call today to schedule your free consultation: (800) 518-0508

* Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

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