Tips for Safe Night Driving
Posted on behalf of James Lynch on September 26, 2018 in Car Accident News. Updated on February 24, 2022
It can be risky for motorists to drive at night. Your visibility is significantly decreased, leading more factors to pose a risk of causing an accident.
To stay safe while driving at night, Lynch Law Firm, PC’s New Jersey car accident lawyers have provided these safe driving tips.
If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident caused by another driver, contact us to schedule a free, no obligation consultation. Our New Jersey personal injury attorneys will help you determine if you are entitled to pursue compensation from the at-fault party.
Check Your Lights
The lights on your vehicle work to help you see your surroundings better and also help others see your vehicle.
Headlights should be used from an hour before dusk to dawn. You should also turn on your vehicle’s lights anytime visibility is low, such as during bad weather.
Make sure your headlights, tail lights and turn signals are in proper working order so they will work when you need them. Check that all bulbs are operational and that lights work correctly when switched on and off. Your headlights should also be aimed properly so that you do not blind other drivers with their use.
Do Not Engage in Distractions
After dark, it is more difficult to see hazards on the roadway. Remain alert while driving by ignoring distractions. This may include items, activities or people that divert your attention away from the roadway.
If you are driving after dark, avoid engaging in the following types of distractions:
- Cellphone use and texting
- Adjusting radio or comfort controls
- Engaging in conversation with passengers
- Eating and drinking
- Reaching for items in the car
- Programming a GPS system
Keep a Safe Following Distance
The closer you follow a vehicle, the less time you have to react to unanticipated stops or sudden changes in traffic. For this reason you should provide a safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicle traveling in front of you.
Keeping a safe following distance is especially important at night, due to reduced visibility. The other driver may not see your vehicle in his or her rear-view or side mirrors. If the vehicle in front of you cannot see you, its driver will not anticipate your reaction during a sudden stop or change in traffic.
To keep a safe follow distance between vehicles, always leave at least three seconds of distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you.
Watch for Pedestrians
Pedestrians can be difficult to see, especially at night. You will need to stay alert and attentive for any pedestrian that may wander onto the roadway.
Although many pedestrians wear reflective clothing at night, roadways may not be equipped with enough lights to see them. Be sure to stay focused when driving in residential areas and neighborhoods, especially at crosswalks. At intersections, look both ways for pedestrians that may step off the curb to cross before you enter.
Do Not Drink and Drive
It is illegal and dangerous to consume drugs or alcohol and operate a vehicle. Intoxicating substances severely impair your ability to make sound decisions and reduce your reflexes. This may increase the risk of causing an accident if you approach a pedestrian on the road and do not see him or her in time.
Do Not Drive While You Are Tired
Drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. You should never operate a vehicle while you are feeling tired or have been deprived of sleep. This significantly reduces your reflexes and impairs your ability to quickly process information.
If you feel tired while driving at night, pull over and find a safe location to take a 20 minute nap. Additionally, you can avoid drowsy driving by planning ahead. This includes getting the recommended eight hours of sleep the night before or refrain from driving during times you would normally be sleeping.
Schedule a Free Consultation After an Auto Accident
Driving at night can be safe, as long as you remain alert and plan ahead for unknown hazards. However, nighttime driving can still be dangerous. If you were injured in an accident caused by another’s negligence, contact Lynch Law Firm, PC today.
We will provide you with a free, no obligation consultation to review your claim and inform you of your legal options to pursue compensation. All of our services are provided at no upfront cost and we only charge our clients if we recover compensation for a claim.
Call (800) 518-0508 today.