$70M Verdict Awarded in Talcum Powder Lawsuit
Posted on behalf of James Lynch on November 3, 2016 in Class Action News. Updated on February 24, 2022
On Oct. 27 a St. Louis jury awarded a California woman a $70 million verdict in her talcum lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson. The woman alleged that use of Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Powder for more than 40 years caused her ovarian cancer, heightening concerns regarding the long-term use of talcum powder.
If you have been injured by a negligent company or unsafe product, contact the New Jersey class action attorneys at Lynch Law Firm, PC and find out what your legal options are to receive maximum compensation and justice for your suffering. This compensation can help you cover lost income, outstanding medical bills and additional costs related to your injuries.
The woman was diagnosed with cancer in 2012, and the lawsuit stated that Johnson & Johnson was negligent in the creation and marketing of its product Baby Powder, which contains talc powder, a mineral that has been linked to increased risks of ovarian cancer.
A Johnson & Johnson spokeswoman expressed sympathy for the California woman but stated that the company stands by the science that asserts the safety of talcum powder. The company plans to appeal the talcum powder verdict.
This is the third case in which a jury has awarded monetary damages for women who were diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using Johnson & Johnson’s products. Earlier this year, two lawsuits in St. Louis ended in verdicts of a combined $127 million.
Nearly 2,000 women have filed talcum powder lawsuits while thousands more are under review for potential legal action.
Studies have indicated that women who regularly use talcum powder as a feminine hygiene product are at a 40 percent increased risk of developing ovarian cancer. Research dating to the 1970s connects talcum powered to ovarian cancer.
Do you need help with a claim or have questions about a possible lawsuit? Contact a New Jersey personal injury lawyer at Lynch Law Firm, PC by calling (800) 518-0508 .