
Understanding Class Action Lawsuits

Posted on behalf of James Lynch on April 24, 2017  in Class Action News. Updated on January 1, 2025

courtroomA class action lawsuit is a claim that is brought in state or federal court on behalf of a group of individuals who have suffered the same or similar injuries from the same product or action. This group, also known as the class, is usually represented by a few named individuals.

This type of lawsuit allows people to sue the liable party as a group, instead of initiating hundreds or thousands of separate lawsuits. Often, each claim is of small value and would not be cost-effective to pursue individually. This cuts down on costs for everyone involved and makes the process more efficient.

Class action lawsuits are also often referred to as “mass tort litigation” or “multidistrict litigation,” however, these actions have slightly different attributes. If you have been injured and think you may have a case contact one of our trusted class action lawyers in New Jersey for a free consultation today.

Types of Class-Action Lawsuits

Class action lawsuits are commonly associated with defective products, including medical devices, motor vehicles, consumer products and pharmaceutical drugs. They are also utilized in cases of corporate misconduct, securities fraud and unfair employment practices.

For example, the Lynch Law Firm, PC is investigating claims against the makers of Abilify, talcum powder and Stryker hip implants, on behalf of individuals who were injured by these products.

We have also represented individuals who suffered serious infections because of the negligent actions of a dentist.

Why Join a Class Action?

There are many reasons why you might want to participate in a class action lawsuit. The most common reason is that it provides a way for you to obtain compensation for the physical or financial harm you have experienced. If a judge rules in favor of the class, all members of the class will receive some form of compensation.

Class action lawsuits also play an important role in allowing individual consumers a voice against large manufacturers who may not be otherwise willing to listen.

The platform provided by these types of cases helps hold major corporations and manufacturers accountable for producing products that harm individuals. Being part of a class-action lawsuit means that you are sticking up for not only yourself but also everyone who has experienced problems with this product.

You could be the driving force behind removing a dangerous product from the market so that future users are not harmed.

How to Join a Class Action Lawsuit

If you have been injured by a product or corporation, it is in your best interest to speak with an experienced class action attorney. He or she will advise you of your legal options and may initiate or help you join a class action lawsuit if it is in your best interest.

In certain types of class actions, a class member will be notified of his or her options to opt in or opt out of the settlement. By opting in, you accept the terms of the settlement and cannot pursue any other type of legal action regarding this issue. If you opt out, you lose out on the compensation provided by the class action, but preserve your right to file an individual claim.

The personal injury attorneys at Lynch Law Firm, PC are experienced in handling these types of cases and can help you determine what legal option is best for you. We also handle all of our cases on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay us nothing unless we recover compensation for you.

Call (800) 518-0508 for a free, no obligation consultation.

* Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

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