burn-injury | Lynch Law Firm

fire under a smoke detectorElectrical heaters, fireplaces and other heat sources provide many people much needed heating during cold winter months. However, heat sources are often the cause of accidental fires in many peoples’ homes.

Between 2011 and 2015, more than 486,000 people were treated in emergency rooms for fire or burn injuries. The majority of victims were injured in a fire that occurred in a residential structure, according to the American Burn Association.

Unfortunately, many people who suffer burn injuries are left in a debilitating and painful condition. If you suffered a fire or burn injury caused by another’s negligence, contact the Lynch Law Firm, PC’s New Jersey burn injury lawyers to discuss your legal options during a free initial consultation. We will explain your legal rights and whether you may have a claim against the at-fault party that entitles you to compensation.

Causes of Winter Fires

It is important to stay alert to potential hazards that can cause winter fires. Some of the most common causes of fires that occur during the winter season include:

If a fire does break out, it is important to have a working smoke detector in your home so that you and your loved ones can quickly be alerted.

Preventing Winter Fires

Fortunately, there are several ways that winter fires can be prevented. Some of the most effective ways to prevent these fires include:

Contact a Burn Injury Lawyer

If you believe your fire injury was caused by another’s negligence, it is important that you contact a knowledgeable attorney to help you understand your legal rights.

The Lynch Law Firm, PC’s burn injury lawyers will provide you with a free and confidential consultation to discuss your legal options and determine if you may be entitled to compensation.

If you decide to move forward with your case, we handle every aspect of your case on a contingency fee basis. This means we will not charge you any upfront legal fees for our services so that you can focus on your recovery. We only get paid if we help you secure the compensation you need.

To get started, complete a Free Case Evaluation form now.