brain-injury | Lynch Law Firm

Women holding her head due to pain or dizziness. Car crashes are stressful, anxiety-inducing events, so you may not be surprised to feel tired or even dizzy. However, dizziness is not a symptom you should ignore, it may indicate a traumatic brain injury or other serious medical issue.

In this article, Lynch Law Firm, PC discusses why some victims may feel dizzy after a car crash and how to link dizziness and other symptoms to a collision.

If you need legal help after being injured in a car crash, contact our experienced New Jersey car accident attorneys. Our firm has been advocating for crash victims for decades, helping them recover millions in compensation. Call our office today to discuss your legal options and get answers to your questions.

Schedule a FREE case review by calling: 800 518-0508.

Why Do I Feel Dizzy After a Car Crash?

Dizziness after a crash could happen for several reasons such as:


When your head and neck are suddenly thrown forward and backward at high speed, you could suffer whiplash. While this is often thought of as a neck or upper back injury, it could result in a head injury that makes you feel dizzy. Even damage to the muscles and nerves in your neck could make you feel dizzy.


Another injury that could be caused by the force of impact of a collision is a concussion. The abrupt stop could cause your brain to shift inside your skull, leading to a concussion. This injury could occur even if you do not hit your head. Dizziness is just one of many symptoms of a concussion or other head injury.

Inner Ear Injury

A blow to the side of your head could cause an inner ear injury, which could affect your hearing and balance. For instance, if the trauma of the collision ruptures your eardrum, fluid could leak out and you may feel dizzy.

Stress and Anxiety

Sometimes the stress and anxiety you feel after a collision can cause dizziness. However, you should never assume dizziness is just from stress. You could have stress and a brain injury that should be treated immediately.

Medication Side Effects

If you have already sought medical attention for your car crash injuries, you may have already been prescribed medication. Some prescription medications cause dizziness, among other potential side effects.

Vision Impairment

Brain injuries or a blow to the head could affect your vision, causing blurriness that may lead to dizziness. Visual input helps people maintain balance, so if visual input is impaired, you may be more likely to feel off balance.


After a car crash, your body can go into shock. This can use up your electrolytes, leading to dehydration. A common side effect of dehydration is dizziness, which may accompany exhaustion.

Should I Be Worried if I Feel Dizzy a Few Weeks After the Crash?

If you have been feeling dizzy for a few weeks after a crash, you need to see a doctor immediately. You likely have a serious underlying injury.

When you meet with the doctor make sure to explain all of your symptoms in detail. How long have you been feeling dizzy? Does it only happen in certain situations? Do you have any medical conditions that predate the crash that may have been aggravated by the trauma of the collision?

A doctor can evaluate your symptoms and determine if they may be a sign of more serious injuries, like:

Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms (PPCS)

If you suffered a concussion in the crash, you could experience symptoms of PPCS for weeks or months afterward.


Dizziness could mean you suffered damage to your vestibular system, which is responsible for balance. Other signs of vertigo might include nausea and headaches.

How Can I Prove a Crash Caused Dizziness?

Your lawyer can help you gather the evidence you need to link dizziness and your underlying injuries to the collision. Some of this evidence may include:

The experienced attorneys at Lynch Law Firm, PC have the legal knowledge and resources to gather the detailed evidence needed to prove your case.

Compensation For the Injury That Caused Dizziness

New Jersey is a no-fault state. This means that regardless of who caused the crash your own car insurance will cover medical expenses and other costs related to the crash.

Your personal injury protection (PIP) insurance should cover the cost of your initial and ongoing treatment, such as visits with specialists like neurologists. PIP may also provide compensation for lost wages if your dizziness and other symptoms prevent you from working.

Your insurance policy may allow you to file a claim against the other driver’s insurance to obtain compensation for damages like pain and suffering or permanent injury.

Injured Due to Driver Negligence? Call Our Law Firm Today

At Lynch Law Firm, PC we have been helping injured victims recover compensation after car crashes for decades. Our knowledgeable attorneys have a history of success, obtaining millions in compensation.

We know you may have many questions about whether you can file a claim and what that claim may be worth. We also know you may be concerned about the cost of hiring a lawyer. However, we do not charge upfront fees. If you decide to hire our firm to represent you, there are no fees unless we win for you.

Request your FREE case review today. Call 800 518-0508.

Man in crutches. Suffering a personal injury can have serious and long-lasting effects on various aspects of a person’s life. Although immediate consequences, such as physical pain and medical treatment are apparent, it is just as important to understand other long-term implications of a personal injury.

If you were injured due to another person’s negligent actions, you have the right to pursue compensation for your damages, including long-lasting damages. You should strongly consider working with our experienced personal injury lawyers in New Jersey to recover full compensation.

Below, we discuss the significant long-term effects that personal injuries can have on individuals and families.

Ongoing Physical Health Concerns

Personal injuries can result in ongoing physical health concerns that may persist long after the initial incident. These concerns can range from chronic pain to more severe conditions, depending on the severity of the injury.

Some common long-term physical effects include the following:

Lifestyle Changes

Suffering a personal injury may also result in lifestyle changes, impacting a person’s independence, daily routines and overall well-being. For example, reduced mobility, change in career and depending on others for basic necessities.

Spinal cord injuries or limb amputations that affect mobility may require the use of assistive devices or mobility aids. Adjusting to these changes can be emotionally and physically challenging.

If an injury prevents an individual from doing certain job-related duties, it could mean he or she is unable to return to his or her previous job right away. In some cases, this could even require a complete career change.

In severe cases, personal injuries may result in a person becoming dependent on others for daily activities and personal care. This dependency can lead to feelings of frustration, loss of independence and strain on personal relationships.

Impacts on Mental Health

The psychological effects of a personal injury should not be overlooked either, as they can have a significant long-lasting impact on an individual’s life.

Individuals who have experienced a traumatic event resulting in a personal injury may develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Symptoms can include the following:

The emotional toll of coping with a personal injury can also lead to depression and anxiety disorders, even if the individual is not suffering from PTSD. This could result in the injured victim retreating into social isolation, which can further exacerbate these other psychological issues.

Financial Impact

A personal injury can also have a significant financial burden on the accident victim and his or her family.

Even though Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance may help cover medical costs and lost wages, it may not be enough to cover the full extent of your damages for an extended period. This could result in financial restraints in the future.

If the accident victim is forced to quit his or her job or take a low-paying position, this could also have serious financial ramifications.

Recovering Compensation For Long-Term Impacts of a Personal Injury

There may be some legal options available for individuals seeking compensation for the long-term consequences of personal injuries.

To recover compensation for the long-term impacts of a personal injury, it is important to determine the damages suffered. This includes not only immediate medical expenses but also future medical costs, ongoing rehabilitative treatment, therapy and any necessary assistive devices. Lost wages, diminished earning capacity and potential career changes should also be considered when determining the value of these long-lasting impacts.

Once the extent of your damages is determined, then your attorney can negotiate with the liability insurance company on your behalf. If a settlement cannot be reached, your lawyer may need to look at the legal options that may be available to you.

Need Help After an Injury? Call Us Today

The legal process after an accident in New Jersey can be complex. That is why it is important to have an experienced attorney on your side from the beginning.

Our lawyers have decades of experience negotiating settlements, and we are prepared to take cases to court when necessary.

We offer a free consultation to determine your legal options and there are no fees while we work on your case.

Call (800) 518-0508 to learn more.

man grasping a steering wheel with both handsSteering wheel injuries can occur in certain types of accidents, depending on the force of impact and whether the driver was wearing a seatbelt. Accident victims who suffer a steering wheel injury may be eligible for compensation for their medical bills and other damages.

Our New Jersey-area car crash attorneys are prepared to review your claim. The consultation is free so we can discuss what legal options may be available to you.

Below, we discuss how steering wheel injuries occur and what victims may be able to do to recover the compensation they need.

Why Do Steering Wheel Injuries Occur?

Colliding with the steering wheel in a vehicle during a crash can occur depending on several factors.

The first factor to consider is the velocity the vehicles were traveling at before colliding. If the impact is hard enough, an individual can be pushed into his or her steering wheel with or without a seatbelt on.

Then there is also the location of the impact at such speeds. For example, a head-on collision at high speeds may push the front of the vehicle into itself, resulting in the steering wheel being pushed into the driver. A steering wheel injury may be even more likely if there are multiple impacts to the vehicle, such as a rear impact after a head-on crash.

Sometimes, the force of impact may not need to be so hard to cause a steering wheel injury. This is more common in accidents where the driver was not wearing a seatbelt. A person is more likely to be flung forward due to the crash. The steering wheel, in that situation, is the only thing stopping him or her from being ejected from the vehicle.

Another potential cause of a steering wheel injury in an accident is if the driver is sitting too close to the steering wheel. Sometimes, shorter drivers need to have the seat moved all the way forward to reach the gas pedals. However, this puts the driver at an increased risk of a steering wheel injury if a collision occurs.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the appropriate distance between a driver and the steering wheel is 10 inches or more.

Common Steering Wheel Injuries

Steering wheels are hard objects that are fixed onto the dashboard of a vehicle. A strong enough collision between a person’s face or chest with a steering wheel can result in devastating injuries.

The following are some common injuries one may suffer to the head or face due to a vehicle’s steering wheel:

If the accident victim’s chest makes contact with the steering wheel during the collision, he or she may experience some of the following:

Some accident victims may also experience hand and wrist injuries if they brace their hands on the steering wheel prior to impact. If the person’s elbows lock up, the force of the collision could result in broken bones or even a dislocated shoulder.

Can I Recover Compensation for a Steering Wheel Injury?

Yes, you should be able to recover compensation if you suffered a steering wheel injury in a car accident. Under New Jersey law, all drivers must carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance. This type of insurance covers the costs of economic damages, like medical bills and lost wages.

If the accident that resulted in your steering wheel injury was caused by the negligent actions of another driver, then you may be able to file a claim with that driver’s liability insurance to recover compensation for non-economic damages as well.

What if I Was Not Wearing a Seatbelt?

If you were not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the collision, the insurance company may try to deny your claim.

The insurance company will likely argue that your injuries would not have occurred if you were wearing your seatbelt. However, the insurance company cannot outright deny your claim simply because you were not wearing a seatbelt.

That said, if you were not wearing your seatbelt, it may be more difficult to recover the compensation you need. That is why you should strongly consider working with an experienced attorney who is prepared to fight for full compensation on your behalf.

If the crash you were involved in was not your fault, you have the right to pursue compensation, even if you were not wearing a seatbelt.

Need Help With Your Claim? Call Us Today

If you suffered a steering wheel injury during a car accident, you have the right to pursue compensation for your damages.

Let our experienced attorneys help you file a claim to help you recover the compensation you need. Our lawyers are prepared to negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. If they refuse to negotiate, we can discuss further legal options that may be available to you.

Call 800-518-0508 to schedule a free consultation.

Emergency Medical Technicians treating accident victim Even after a minor car accident, it is a good idea to get treated at the scene of the crash. Not doing so may hurt your claim for compensation. Below, we discuss why.

If you were involved in a crash caused by another driver’s negligence, call our New Jersey auto collision attorneys today. We can discuss your claim during a free and confidential consultation.

Why Do People Refuse Treatment at the Scene of a Crash?

There are several reasons why an accident victim may refuse medical treatment at the scene of the crash.

One of the most common reasons is that the crash victim may not believe he or she was seriously injured. After an accident, however, there is no telling how much damage even a minor bump may have caused you. The only way to know for sure is if get evaluated by a medical professional.

Getting treatment at the scene of the accident could save your life, especially if you have a serious internal injury. For example, crash victims may not know if they have a concussion or other head injury. Many people also believe you must lose consciousness if you sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). However, that is a common myth that could lead to serious consequences if left untreated.

When a trained medical professional arrives at the scene, he or she can do an initial evaluation to determine whether your injuries may require further evaluation at a nearby hospital. This leads to another common reason accident victims may refuse treatment at the scene of a crash. They may believe their insurance will not cover the cost of an ambulance ride. However, this is also typically not the case.

In New Jersey, drivers are required to carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance. This is no-fault policy should cover your medical costs, including emergency transportation services, no matter who caused the collision. Therefore, you should not refuse medical treatment simply because you are concerned about the cost of riding in an ambulance.

The Insurance Company Will Say You Are Not Injured

If you refuse medical attention at the scene of the accident, the insurance company may try to use this against you. They may claim it means that you are not injured, and therefore they should not pay you any compensation.

Even when you have proof of your injuries, the insurance company may still try and devalue your claim by arguing your injuries are not serious. They may say that if your injuries were serious, you would have accepted treatment at the accident scene.

Refusing Treatment at the Scene Makes it Harder to Link Your Injuries to the Crash

Another drawback of refusing medical treatment at the scene of the crash is that it will make it harder to prove causation. In other words, the insurance company may try to argue that your injuries could have been caused by something else and that you are trying to take advantage of the situation to get money.

This argument could harm your credibility, especially if your case goes to court and you must prove your claim to a jury. Your refusal of immediate medical attention may strengthen the insurance company’s argument that you are not hurt.

What Steps Can I Take to Protect My Claim if I Refused Treatment at the Scene?

Even if you did not get treated at the scene of the crash, there are steps you may be able to take to help protect the value of your claim.

The most important step is to get to a doctor as soon as possible after the crash. Not only can this help link your injuries to the crash, but it will help to protect your health, which should be your highest priority. Emergency room doctors will have the equipment needed and staff on hand to accurately assess and stabilize your injuries.

After that, it is important to keep up with the recommended treatment from your doctor. For example, if he or she tells you to refrain from certain activities, it is important to follow this advice. You could seriously hurt yourself and your claim if you continue to do things that could make your injuries worse.

Call an Experienced Attorney Today

If you were injured in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence but refused medical treatment at the scene of the crash, you should seek legal help right away. Even if the insurance company is telling you cannot because of your refusal of treatment, you may still be able to recover full compensation.

Let our knowledgeable attorneys deal with the insurance company on your behalf. We do not charge you anything while we work on your case. You do not pay us until we successfully recover compensation for you.

Call (800) 518-0508 today to schedule a free consultation.

There is a common misunderstanding that a low-impact collision is a minor accident that does not result in major injuries. Unfortunately, these types of crashes can result in serious or long-lasting ailments. Assuming these accidents are minor is often a bad idea as you could delay treatment, and this could make your condition worse.

If you were hurt in a low-impact crash, you may be wondering whether you can recover compensation for your damages. Our New Jersey car accident attorneys can discuss your claim during a free consultation to see what legal options may be available to you.

There are no upfront fees, and we do not get paid unless we recover compensation on your behalf.


A low-impact collision is usually a crash that occurs at a low speed, usually under 15 miles per hour. Also called a “fender bender,” a low-impact crash is most likely to occur in stop-and-go traffic or a parking lot.

Some of the common causes of low-impact collisions are:

In some cases, a low-impact collision could set off a chain reaction accident involving multiple vehicles.


While an accident at less than 15 miles per hour may not sound like it could result in any serious injuries, some victims may experience long-lasting effects. Serious injuries may be more likely if the injury victim had a prior injury that was aggravated by the collision.

Whiplash is one of the most common types of injuries experienced in a low-impact crash. This type of injury occurs when your head and neck are whipped back and forth too quickly, causing damage to the tendons, muscles and ligaments in the neck and shoulders. Whiplash can result in:

A low-impact crash could also result in a concussion if the victim hits his or her head on a hard surface inside a vehicle or if his or her brain is rattled by the collision. The brain, just like the spine, is a very delicate organ that could be seriously damaged in low-impact crashes. Even if you are only shaken around and do not hit your head, the brain could move around and suffer damage.

The impact from another vehicle, even at low speeds, could trigger an airbag release. Although airbags are meant to help reduce injury, they can be dangerous when deployed. Some accident victims have been burned by airbags, suffered facial injuries or other serious injuries.


Low-impact accident victims may be able to recover compensation for a variety of damages, depending on several factors.

It is important to keep in mind that New Jersey is a no-fault state, so compensation for your economic damages should be covered by your own insurance policy. When filing a Personal Injury Protection (PIP) claim, accident victims may be able to recover compensation for the following:

You may only be able to recover economic damages up to your PIP limits, so it is important to review your policy with our knowledgeable attorneys. If your damages exceed your own insurance policy’s limits, you may be able to file a third-party claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance.

Seeking compensation for your non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, for a low-impact collision could be more complex. Your options depend on whether you selected a basic or standard insurance policy with the limited or unlimited right to sue.


The liable insurance company will most likely try to fight back against your claim for a low-impact accident in one of two ways.

First, the insurance company will claim you were not injured in the crash because it was a collision that occurred at low speed. However, you may be able to prove you do have an injury by disclosing your medical records.

If you manage to successfully prove your injuries to the insurer, they will try to argue that your injuries are from a prior accident and that they bear no liability for your damages.

While it may be true in some instances that an accident victim had a prior injury or preexisting condition, they may be able to prove an old injury was aggravated by the crash. A person with a preexisting condition that makes him or her vulnerable to serious injury, even in a minor crash, may still recover compensation.


Low-impact accidents can result in injuries to you and damage to your property. Victims of these crashes may have the right to pursue compensation.

Let our knowledgeable attorneys help you through the process of filing a claim so you may be able to pursue maximum compensation.

We offer a free consultation to discuss your options and there are no upfront fees. Our attorneys have decades of experience and are ready to help.

Call (800) 518-0508 today to get started.

You may never be the same after a traumatic brain injury. These injuries have the potential to make everyday life much more challenging, hurting qualify of life and your relationships and ability to do things on your own.

What if the injury was caused by another’s negligence?

The New Jersey brain injury lawyers at Lynch Law Firm, PC may be able to help you recover compensation for medical expenses and other damages associated with your injury. Contact us today to set up a free, no-obligation consultation. We charge no legal fees unless you recover compensation.

Our licensed attorneys have secured millions in compensation for those who suffered catastrophic injuries, this includes $4.5 million for a man who suffered a traumatic brain injury.* Founding partner Arthur Lynch is a member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

Call (800) 518-0508 today for legal help.

Do I Have a Valid Case?

This is a question that should be discussed with an experienced attorney. At Lynch Law Firm, PC, we have been helping personal injury victims for more than 20 years. We have a proven track record and know how to build a strong case as we pursue maximum compensation for damages.

There are many factors that we may need to consider about the merits of your claim:

  • How your brain injury occurred
  • Your medical diagnosis
  • Symptoms you have experienced
  • How your injury may be affecting your ability to work
  • Evidence you may have collected from the scene of the accident

Our attorneys must assess whether we may be able to prove your brain injury was a result of negligence. That means we must establish there was a duty of care that was breached, and this breach directly led to your injury. Your injury must have created damages, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

An example of breaching a duty of care is driving drunk and causing a crash. Another example might be medical malpractice while performing a surgical procedure. There are many other examples that may give you grounds to seek compensation.

Damages You May Be Able to Claim

Personal injury victims may be able to seek various forms of compensation to cover the physical, financial and emotional effects of an injury. For example, your New Jersey brain injury lawyer may be able to seek compensation for the costs of treating your injury:

  • MRIs and CT scans
  • Surgeries
  • Occupational therapy
  • Rehabilitation
  • Physical therapy
  • Prescription medication
  • Behavioral counseling

Brain injuries are often severe and expensive to treat. Without proper treatment, you may have a higher risk of having permanent side effects. Treatment may also help you better manage those side effects to improve your quality of life. It may be very difficult to recover full compensation to cover these costs without an experienced attorney representing you.

You may also be eligible to seek compensation for the wages you lost because of your injury. For example, if you had to miss work to seek treatment or because you were physically unable to work, you should be able to include the wages you lost in your claim.

Other damages that may be pursued after a traumatic brain injury may include:

  • Lost earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost companionship
  • Lost enjoyment of life

If you have questions about your claim, contact Lynch Law Firm, PC today. There are no upfront fees for our services.

Free consultation. Call (800) 518-0508 .

Advantages of Hiring an Attorney

With so much on the line, you need a reputable lawyer on your side. The experienced attorneys at our firm are prepared to manage the legal process for you. This may include taking the following steps:

Our team has decades of experience handling complex injury cases. We are dedicated to your best interests and the recovery of maximum compensation after an injury.

Did you know injury victims who hire attorneys often recover more compensation than those who do not? Even insurance company studies confirm this.

With an attorney, you can feel free to focus on your medical treatment. Lynch Law Firm, PC has a proven history of results, obtaining more than $300 million in compensation on behalf of our clients.*

How Much Time Do You Have to File a Claim?

You have two years from the date of the crash to file a lawsuit over your brain injury. If you do not file before those two years pass, you may lose the right to file a lawsuit.

While there are exceptions to this deadline, you should review your situation with a licensed attorney as soon as possible. Your lawyer needs time to determine if you may have a case, what it may be worth, and how to build a strong case.

Defining Traumatic Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury usually happens when an external force causes dysfunction in the brain. These injuries can generally be grouped into two categories: open and closed head injuries.

An open head injury occurs when something penetrates the skull. The result of this could be death or catastrophic damage that leads to severe physical and/or mental limitations. Victims may suffer:

A closed head injury involves movement of the brain within the skull and the skull is not penetrated. These often happen in car accidents because the body can be violently thrown around. Examples of closed head injuries include:

  • Concussions, particularly those that occur in contact sports like football
  • Coup-contrecoup injuries
  • Contusions
  • Skull fractures

While the initial injury is bad enough, there is a risk of suffering secondary injuries, such as:

  • Swelling of the brain (cerebral edema)
  • Infection in the meningeal layers of the brain
  • Epilepsy
  • Changes in the amount of sodium, potassium and neurotransmitters in the brain
  • Hypoxia (insufficient oxygen in the brain)
  • High blood pressure
  • Low blood pressure

Symptoms of a Brain Injury

There are a variety of symptoms that may indicate you suffered a brain injury. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should seek treatment right away. If you wait the injury could get much worse.

  • Seizures
  • Vomiting
  • Trouble with balance or coordination
  • Nausea
  • Confusion
  • Feeling lightheaded
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Headache, especially one that gets worse
  • Mood changes
  • Clear fluid leading from the nose or ear
  • Memory loss

If your accident was caused by another’s negligent, careless or intentional actions, you may be eligible to seek compensation. Contact our New Jersey brain injury lawyers to learn more.

Complete a Free Case Evaluation form.

Long-Term Impact of a Brain Injury

Brain injuries must be assessed on a case-by-case basis. That said, they often result in devastating consequences that can influence a patient’s life for years to come. A brain injury can impact your thinking, memory, emotional function and movement.

Many individuals who have been hospitalized with a traumatic brain injury will have some sort of ongoing medical problem. This could include:

These types of injuries can require extensive medical treatment and on-going care. That is why it is important to consider possible legal options for seeking compensation.

Contact Our New Jersey Brain Injury Lawyers Today

If another’s actions caused your brain injury, do not hesitate to contact Lynch Law Firm, PC for a free consultation. Our accomplished team is ready to get to work investigating and building a strong case on your behalf. If we validate your claim and you hire us, we cover all upfront costs and charge no legal fees unless your case is successful.

Our firm has obtained more than $300 million for those injured by the negligence of another.*

Local. Licensed. Lawyers. Call (800) 518-0508 today.

Motorcycle accidents are often catastrophic events that result in devastating injuries or death. When negligent drivers cause an accident, you and your family may be eligible to pursue compensation to pay for medical bills, lost wages and property damage.

At Lynch Law Firm, PC, our New Jersey motorcycle accident lawyers have seen firsthand the devastation that these types of accidents can cause. We are committed to helping injury victims recover by seeking maximum compensation. We obtained $1,000,000 for one of our clients who was injured in a motorcycle crash.* Read some of the reviews we have received from some of our clients to learn what they are saying about how we helped them.

Partners James and Arthur Lynch have both obtained numerous verdicts of one million dollars or more.*

Do not hesitate to contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation if you or someone you love was injured in a motorcycle crash. There are no upfront fees or fees while we work on your case – we do not get paid unless you do.

Need legal assistance? Find out how Lynch Law Firm, PC can help. Call (800) 518-0508 .

How Do I Know if my Case Qualifies for Compensation?

Since no two motorcycle crashes are the same, it can be difficult to determine whether you may qualify for compensation without first discussing your claim with a licensed lawyer. Our team of legal professionals can determine if you may qualify for compensation in a Free Case Evaluation.

The main thing our lawyers must consider when trying to validate your claim is whether we may be able to establish the four elements of negligence:

If you have questions about whether you have a valid claim, do not hesitate to contact a New Jersey motorcycle accident lawyer from the Lynch Law Firm, PC. Our team of legal professionals is well equipped to help build a strong case.

How Much Compensation Could I Recover for a Motorcycle Crash Claim?

Determining the value for a motorcycle accident claim could be challenging without the help of a legal professional. Our attorneys have in-depth knowledge of state and local laws and hands-on experience  with these types of cases.

Some of the forms of compensation you could receive may include:

  • Vehicle repairs
  • Damaged property
  • Home modifications needed to accommodate your disability
  • Funeral and burial costs
  • Other medical expenses

If you lost a loved one in a motorcycle accident, you may also be eligible for additional compensation through a wrongful death lawsuit. When investigating your situation, we will determine all forms of compensation you may be eligible for.

Let our attorneys handle the complexities of the legal process so you can focus on your recovery.

Ways Our New Jersey Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Can Help

Accident victims often do not know the many benefits of hiring a licensed New Jersey motorcycle accident lawyer. There are many steps we are prepared to take to help validate your claim and build a strong case:

  • Investigating and collecting all evidence from the accident scene
  • Analyzing police and accident reports
  • Interviewing witnesses
  • Examining the negligent driver’s driving record
  • Collecting and reviewing medical records
  • Discussing your injuries and expected recovery with medical experts
  • Recreating the accident scene if necessary
  • Hiring industry expert witnesses if needed
  • Preparing your case for trial if necessary
  • Negotiating with insurance companies for a fair settlement

We are committed to aggressively pursuing the compensation you need to get back on your feet after an unexpected accident.

Is There a Deadline to File a Motorcycle Accident Claim?

Many accident victims may not realize they only have a certain amount of time to file a claim. The New Jersey statute of limitations for a motorcycle accident is usually two years from the date of the crash or from the date you discovered your injury.

However, since everyone’s situation is different, there may be instances where the two-year period may be extended or shortened, depending on the details of your case. It is important to discuss the deadline for your claim with a reputable lawyer.

Have Questions? Give us a Call Today. (800) 518-0508

What if I Was Not Wearing a Helmet During the Crash?

You may still be able to obtain compensation for your claim. However, it is important to note New Jersey has a comparative negligence law that says your compensation award can be reduced if you are partially at fault for the crash.

You can be sure the insurance company will use the fact you did not wear a helmet against you and assign some amount of fault to you, particularly if you suffered head injuries. They will likely argue your injuries would have been less severe if you were wearing a helmet.

The law also states you cannot recover any compensation from a party that holds less fault than you. The insurance company may claim you not wearing a helmet is an example of reckless behavior and pin the blame for the crash on you.

It is also important to note New Jersey requires all motorcycle riders to wear helmets, unlike some states that mandate it for riders under the age of 18 or 21. After the accident, you may receive a traffic citation, and you can be sure the insurance company will use this against you.

While not wearing a helmet could make it more difficult to recover compensation, it also puts you at much higher risk for a serious injury. Statistics show riders without helmets are three times more likely to die from head injuries compared to riders with helmets.

What if the Driver’s Insurance Coverage Runs Out?

Even though New Jersey is a no-fault state, these laws do not apply to motorcycles. (In a no-fault state, accident victims usually pursue compensation from their own insurance policies instead of the policy of the at-fault driver.)

That means you cannot purchase personal injury protection to cover you after a crash. You will likely need to file an insurance claim against the at-fault driver’s policy.

Unfortunately, motorcycle crash injuries are often so severe that medical expenses are worth more than the value of the other driver’s liability insurance. The minimum required liability insurance in a standard New Jersey auto insurance policy is $15,000 per person and $30,000 per crash, although many drivers buy more than the minimum required coverage.

If you exhaust the other driver’s insurance coverage, you may be able to use the uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage in your motorcycle insurance policy to cover additional expenses. However, these types of claims can be complicated, and you should strongly consider seeking help from an experienced attorney.

Lynch Law Firm, PC. No Upfront Fees. Ph: (800) 518-0508

Can an Injured Passenger File a Claim?

Yes, like the rider, you may be able to file a claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance policy. If the motorcycle rider was at fault, you may also be able to file a claim against his or her insurance policy. You may feel uneasy about filing a claim if the rider is a friend or family member, but you are not suing him or her. You are seeking compensation from the rider’s insurance provider.

Can I Recover Compensation for a ‘No Contact’ Motorcycle Crash?

The short answer is yes, you may be able to pursue a claim. A “no contact” motorcycle accident occurs when a rider loses control of his or her bike and crashes, and the accident did not involve a collision with a reckless driver.

There are many reasons why these crashes occur including tire blowouts, potholes in the road or uneven surfaces. A product manufacturer or government entity responsible for maintaining the road may hold liability in a no-contact crash claim. However, these claims can be difficult to prove without the help of a qualified lawyer.

What Causes Motorcycle Accidents to Occur?

Motorcycle crashes are often caused by reckless driving. Some of the most common examples of reckless driving that could lead to accidents include:

  • Speeding
  • Tailgating
  • Ignoring stop signs and traffic lights
  • Failure to yield the right of way

What are Some Common Motorcycle Crash Injuries?

When other motorists fail to respect the rights of motorcyclists or do not follow the laws of the road, they gravely endanger motorcycle riders and their passengers. If that negligence causes an accident, there is a significant chance that those riding the motorcycle will suffer severe injuries.

Some of the most severe injuries that often happen in motorcycle crashes:

These types of injuries require expensive and long-lasting medical treatment. Unfortunately, insurance providers often undervalue claims or deny them, as their focus is to pay out as little compensation as possible.

That is why you need an experienced attorney representing you, as he or she will be focused on recovering maximum compensation. With more than 20 years of experience representing injury victims throughout the state, our New Jersey motorcycle accident lawyers are ready to help you.

Contact Us to Schedule a Free Consultation

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a New Jersey motorcycle accident, do not hesitate to contact our experienced attorneys. The Lynch Law Firm, PC has recovered over $300 million in verdicts and settlements.*

Because we work on a contingency-fee basis, you will owe us nothing unless we recover a settlement or verdict for you. Your initial consultation is free and there is no obligation to hire our services.

Our office is located in Hasbrouck Heights at 440 Route 17 North, which is only a 10-minute drive from the Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck.

Lynch Law Firm, PC. Proud to protect the rights of the injured. Call (800) 518-0508 .

An injury at work can greatly impact your livelihood and the financial stability of your family. Fortunately, workers’ compensation laws may allow you to receive certain benefits to help cover the costs of medical care, disability benefits, lost wages and even death benefits.

Whether you or a loved one has suffered a work-related injury or illness, the New Jersey workers’ compensation lawyers at Lynch Law Firm, PC are prepared to guide you through the process of applying for benefits, appealing a denied claim, seeking additional benefits or filing a third-party personal injury lawsuit, if appropriate. In more than two decades, our firm has obtained millions in compensation on behalf of our clients.*

Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation. There is no risk in calling to learn about your rights and no upfront fees for our services. We do not get paid unless we help you recover benefits.

Call (800) 518-0508 to find out how we may be able to help you.

Who is Covered By Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is a no-fault insurance program that provides benefits for medical care, lost wages and permanent disability for workers who suffer job-related injuries or illnesses. Death benefits are also available in situations where a worker is killed on the job.

Under this program, compensation benefits are available regardless of who caused or contributed to the accident. However, this also means that workers forfeit their right to file a personal injury lawsuit against their employer for pain and suffering or other damages unless the case involves intentional acts.

The Division of Workers’ Compensation is responsible for administering the New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Act (N.J.S.A. 34:15-1 et seq.). This legislature enforces the law that requires employers to purchase workers’ compensation insurance and ensures workers receive fair and timely benefits.

Employers are required to post information about their workers’ compensation insurance in a visible location. They must also establish clear procedures for employees and managers for handling workplace injuries and workers’ compensation benefits.

If you have been injured on the job, there are specific guidelines for filing a workers’ compensation claim. Reach out to a member of our legal team to see whether you may be eligible for benefits.

Benefits Available for Work Injury Victims

For more than 20 years, we have helped injured workers recover the benefits they need. Under the New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Act, employees injured while performing their job duties may be able to receive the following benefits:

Medical Benefits

Obtaining medical care for a job-related injury or illness can be costly and cause unwanted stress. Reasonable medical expenses for necessary services are covered under workers’ compensation, such as:

  • Hospital care, including in-patient stays
  • Doctor visits
  • Prescription medications
  • Surgery
  • Physical therapy
  • Medical equipment

The employer or its insurance company has the right to designate medical providers for work-related injuries. If you are treated by another doctor without permission, your medical bills may not be covered.

Temporary Total Benefits

Injured workers who are disabled and unable to work for more than seven days may be able to receive temporary total benefits to replace lost wages. These benefits help pay for 70 percent of the worker’s average rate of pay up to a maximum amount as established by the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development.

Temporary total benefits are also provided until a doctor releases you to return to work, you reach maximum medical improvement, meaning that no additional treatment will aid your injury or illness, or you reach the maximum amount of time for these benefits at 400 weeks.

Permanent Partial Benefits

If a job-related injury or illness causes permanent injury, a worker may be able to receive benefits based on his or her functional loss. New Jersey has a schedule of disabilities that list the maximum benefits for impairments for certain body parts. A scheduled injury could include eyes, hands, arms, legs and feet while a nonscheduled injury could involve other body parts or organs (heart and lungs). These benefits begin after temporary benefits end and are paid on a weekly basis.

Permanent Total Benefits

Workers who are permanently disabled by a workplace injury or illness and cannot return to work may be eligible for permanent total benefits, which pay 70 percent of the worker’s average rate of pay up to the maximum allowable benefit. These benefits are available for 450 weeks but may be extended if the individual remains totally disabled. To extend your benefits, you would have to be evaluated and prove that you had were still unable to work.

Death Benefits

When an injury or illness results in a fatality, death benefits can be paid to the surviving spouse, children or other eligible dependents up to a certain limit. Up to $3,500 in funeral and burial costs must be paid by the worker’s employer. For one dependent, these benefits are generally 50 percent of the deceased worker’s wages. The compensation rate increases by five percent for every additional dependent up to 70 percent of the deceased worker’s wages for a maximum of 450 weeks from the date of death.

What if I Was Injured While Working Offsite?

New Jersey provides workers’ compensation benefits to workers who sustain injuries as a result of an accident arising out of and in the course of employment. This means that you must be at work and performing your assigned job duties, not driving to or from your workplace.

However, there are exceptions for when a worker may be eligible for benefits if an accident occurred away from the workplace, such as if a job or assignment required travel. This could include commuting for a business meeting or riding in a vehicle contracted, leased or owned by the employer as a condition of your employment.

If you have encountered difficulties in recovering the full benefits you need, it is in your best interest to contact a reputable attorney. Our New Jersey workers’ compensation lawyers are experienced in helping injured workers and their families recover what is rightfully owed to them.

Talk to a lawyer today. Ph: (800) 518-0508

Seeking Additional Compensation

In some situations, it may be possible to seek additional compensation by filing a personal injury lawsuit against a third party that was at least partially responsible for your accident and injuries.

Workers’ compensation laws prevent injured employees from filing a lawsuit against their employer, but you can make a claim against any other parties that may have contributed to your injuries. This could include anyone who is not your employer or coworker, such as:

  • Suppliers of dangerous products
  • Vendors responsible for installing or maintaining equipment

With an in-depth knowledge of workers’ compensation laws in New Jersey, we are prepared to help you determine any and all additional parties who may be held liable for your injuries to ensure you pursue every available source of compensation.

Reporting a Work-Related Injury in New Jersey

It is important to notify your employer of a work-related injury or illness as soon as possible. Notifications can be done in writing or verbally. Failure to give notice will forfeit your rights to workers’ compensation benefits.

Once your employer receives notice of your injury, he or she is responsible for notifying his or her workers’ compensation insurer. The insurance provider will then begin its investigation into your claim to determine whether you will be awarded benefits.

If your employer disputes your injury or does not report it, you have the option to contact the workers’ compensation insurance provider directly or you could file a claim. Workers’ compensation claims in New Jersey must generally be filed within two years from the date of injury.

Can I Be Treated By My Regular Doctor?

In most situations, you are only allowed to see a doctor that your employer provides. Medical bills will be paid for as long as the treatment is approved. Unauthorized treatment could include:

Only certain circumstances would allow you to seek necessary medical care from any doctor you choose and still get reimbursed for the cost, such as when your employer neglects or refuses to provide services that are reasonable and necessary to help relieve you from an injury or treat an illness.

Appealing a Denied Workers’ Comp Claim

Although filing a claim for New Jersey workers’ compensation seems like a straightforward process, it does not always proceed as it should. Your employer and/or its insurer may attempt to claim that your injuries did not happen while at work or that they are not as serious as you claim. When this happens, you have the right to appeal a denied workers’ compensation claim.

The Division of Workers’ Compensation has two avenues for an appeal: a formal and informal hearing. An informal hearing is a more expedited process. An Application for an Informal Hearing must be submitted. The case would be assigned to a judge and a hearing date set within weeks. The judge would assess all of the evidence before making a recommendation. If a dispute is not resolved, you may request a formal hearing.

For a formal hearing, a Claim Petition form must be filed within two years from the date of your injury or the date you last received compensation from the insurance provider, whichever comes later. The case would be assigned to a judge and a hearing date set within six months. The hearing would be similar to a trial, with both sides presenting evidence and having witnesses testify. The judge would then issue a written decision.

If the decision is not favorable, you may appeal to the state courts of New Jersey in the Appellate Division of the Superior Court. Our lawyers are ready to help you with the appeals process should your claim have merit.

Read some testimonials by our satisfied clients.

Types of Workplace Accidents and Injuries

Some of the most common claims for workers’ compensation include injuries such as:

  • Injuries from repetitive movements
  • Warehouse, manufacturing and industrial accidents
  • Sprain and strain injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Spine or back injuries

Some workers may have an increased risk for developing an occupational disease, such as carpal tunnel syndrome or heart disease. In other industries, there is also a higher risk of developing certain conditions, such as cancer or mesothelioma, when exposed to hazardous substances over a long period of time.

Contact Our New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

At Lynch Law Firm, PC, we are committed to protecting injured workers’ rights to fair and complete compensation if they have been injured while at work. We have the resources required to take on large employers and their insurance companies, and we are prepared to provide the legal help you need.

Contact our New Jersey workers’ compensation lawyers to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your claim. We work on a contingency fee basis, so we do not get paid unless you obtain a recovery.

Trusted. Local. Lawyers. Ph: (800) 518-0508

Have you or a loved one been injured because of another’s actions?

You may have legal options and may be entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering, medical bills, and more. With the experienced team of Hasbrouck Heights personal injury lawyers on your side, you can trust that we will handle every aspect of your claim for you, from filing your initial claim with the insurance company to negotiating for the maximum compensation you deserve. With more than 20 years of experience handling personal injury cases, our award-winning lawyers have the skills, knowledge and resources to handle even the most complicated cases.

Contact our dedicated team today for a free, no obligation consultation today. We charge no upfront fees and will not require any payment from you unless we recover compensation for you.

Complete a Free Case Evaluation form now to get started with our accident attorneys.

What Should I Do if I Have Been Injured?

There are several things you should do immediately following a personal injury to preserve and gather the evidence you will need for a successful claim. In any personal injury case, you must prove the damages you have suffered and show that they were caused by another’s negligence.

To do this, our Hasbrouck Heights personal injury lawyers recommend that you:

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Your health and safety should always be your number one priority. After any injury, you should always seek immediate medical care.

Visiting an emergency room, hospital or doctor is vital for ensuring you receive the care you need and establishing a record of your injuries. It will detail all of your symptoms, test results, what caused your injuries and what treatment you have undergone.

Document Your Injuries and the Accident Scene

You will need evidence to support your claim that your accident and injuries were caused by another’s actions. As soon as possible, you should document your injuries and the accident scene by:

Contact a Reputable Personal Injury Attorney

You should then immediately contact a reputable Hasbrouck Heights personal injury lawyer. An attorney can review the details of your accident and injuries, help you file a claim with the insurance company, and help you determine if you have a legal case that may be entitled to compensation.

We will also help you gather all of the evidence and documentation you need to support your case.

Click to contact our Hasbrouck Heights personal injury attorneys today.

Do I Have a Case?

Personal injury law is a specific type of civil law that allows individuals to file lawsuits against other individuals or entities that have caused them harm. This is an important resource for injury victims to obtain compensation for the damages they have suffered because of another’s actions, such as medical bills, lost wages and more.

However, the key to filing this type of lawsuit is proving that someone else was responsible for your injuries. With enough evidence showing that another’s negligence caused your injuries, you may have a personal injury claim.


To prove negligence, you must be able to show that the at-fault party had a lack of care for your safety.

The four elements required for proving negligence include:

The At-Fault Party Had a Duty of Care

The first step in determining if you have a personal injury case is to determine if the at-fault party owed you a duty of care.

In some circumstances, the relationship between the injury victim and at-fault party creates a legal duty of care. This includes a doctor who owes a patient a duty to provide reasonable care or a landlord who has a duty to ensure the safety of his or her property.

In other situations, the at-fault party simply had a duty to act with reasonable care and not cause harm to anyone. For example, all motorists have a duty of care to drive safely and follow the rules of the road.

The At-Fault Party Breached His or Her Duty of Care

Once it has been established that the at-fault party owed you a duty of care, we must show that he or she broke that duty by acting recklessly, carelessly or intentionally.

This can include failing to act, or not acting at all, as a reasonably prudent person would have given the circumstances.

For example, most motorists know that they should not run red lights, speed or drive while under the influence. Engaging in these types of actions can be considered breaching the duty of care the person owes to those around him or her.

Similarly, all doctors are legally obligated to act within the standards of the medical community. Any failure to act as another doctor would have, could be considered a breach of duty of care.

The At-Fault Party’s Actions Directly Caused Your Injuries

Next, you will have to prove that the at-fault party’s actions directly caused your injuries.

The insurance company and lawyers for the at-fault party will do everything possible to attempt to shift blame away from their client and claim that your injuries were caused by something other than their client’s actions.

For this reason, it is vital that we collect strong evidence showing that your injuries could not have been caused by anything other than the at-fault party’s actions.

Your Injuries Caused You to Suffer Damages

Finally, you must be able to show that you suffered damages because of your injuries. This can include economic damages, such as medical bills and lost wages, or noneconomic damages, such as physical and/or mental pain and suffering.

Our Hasbrouck Heights personal injury lawyers will walk through each element with you to determine if you have grounds to file a lawsuit. If you do, we will get to work immediately gathering the necessary evidence to build a strong claim on your behalf.

Call (800) 518-0508 for a free consultation and review of your claim.

Time Limits for Filing a Personal Injury Claim

If you think you may have a case, you should contact our Hasbrouck Heights personal injury lawyers as soon as possible because there are strict time limits for filing a claim. These time limits are called statutes of limitations, which place a deadline on when a claim must be filed. If you miss this deadline, you will lose your opportunity to file a personal injury lawsuit.

As outlined in New Jersey Statutes Annotated § 2A:14-2, most personal injury claims, including those for car accidents, medical malpractice and product liability, have a two-year statute of limitations.

Wrongful death lawsuits also have a two-year statute of limitations, as outlined in N.J.S.A § 2A:31-3.

Although these deadlines are strict, there are several exceptions that could lengthen or shorten the deadline for filing a claim. However, only an experienced injury attorney can advise you of which statutes apply to your case.

New Jersey’s Discovery Rule

In some situations, the statutes of limitations can be extended if the injury victim did not immediately know that he or she was injured or that the injury was caused by another’s negligence, which would mean he or she has a claim.

If this is the case, the two-year statute of limitations begins to run on the date the individual discovered, or reasonably should have discovered, his or her injury rather than on the date of the injury.

This includes cases of chemical or toxic exposure, such as mesothelioma, which can take years to develop after exposure to asbestos.

Claims Involving Minors or the Disabled

If a claim involves an individual who is a minor (under the age of 18) or legally incapacitated, the statutes of limitations will be tolled, or paused, until the minor reaches the age of 18 or the disability has been resolved.

This means, that if an individual was under the age of 18 at the time of the injury, the two-year statute of limitations will not begin to run until his or her 18th birthday. This will give him or her until his or her 20th birthday to file a claim.

However, this rule does not apply to medical malpractice claims involving birth injuries. In these cases, the claim must be filed before the child’s 13th birthday.

Injury Claims Against the Government

Unlike personal injury claims against private individual’s or entities, claims involving government entities or employees have additional, shorter requirements that must be met.

N.J.S.A. 59:1-1 et seq requires that a notice be filed with the responsible government department or agency within 90 days of the accident.

A failure to meet any of these deadlines will prevent you from filing a personal injury claim seeking compensation. Because of this, you should not hesitate to contact our Hasbrouck Heights personal injury lawyers as soon as possible after you have suffered an injury because of another’s negligence.

Our accident lawyers will review the details of your claim to identify the statutes of limitations that apply to your case. We will then work quickly and efficiently to meet all deadlines and requirements.

Learn more by completing a Free Case Evaluation form.

Compensation from a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawsuit

Personal injury lawsuits are intended to provide an injury victim with monetary compensation for the damages he or she has suffered because of injuries caused by another’s actions.

Depending on the circumstances of your case, our Hasbrouck Heights personal injury lawyers may be able to help you recover two types of compensation:

Economic Damages

These damages are intended to reimburse you for the money you have spent or lost in relation to your injury. This can include:

Medical Bills

Medical expenses are typically the largest portion of compensation an injury victim will recover. This can include compensation for:

  • Emergency room care
  • Ambulance trips
  • Doctors’ visits, including required specialists
  • Prescription medication
  • Lab tests, such as MRIs, X-rays and CT Scans
  • Required medical equipment, such as crutches or a wheelchair

Lost Wages

If your injury prevents you from working for any period of time, it may be possible to obtain compensation for the wages you lost while you were unable to work.

If your injury prevents you from returning to work in the future, or requires that you take a significant pay reduction, it may also be possible to obtain compensation for lost future earning capacity.

Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Some injuries and accidents will also require out-of-pocket expenses that do not meet the categories above. If they are reasonable costs that are required for your injury, it may be possible to recover compensation for them. This can include:

  • Property damage
  • Travel to and from doctor’s appointments
  • Hiring professional services to do tasks that you can no longer perform

Noneconomic Damages

Noneconomic damages are not as easily calculated because there is no direct monetary value. These damages attempt to compensate you for the effects of your injury on your personal life and can include:

  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Lost enjoyment of life
  • Inability to engage in the activities and hobbies you once enjoyed

The types and amount of compensation you can recover from a personal injury claim will depend on a variety of circumstances, including the severity of your injuries and how they affect your life.

Our Hasbrouck Heights personal injury lawyers have decades of experience helping accident victims obtain the maximum compensation they deserve for their injuries. We will utilize our vast resources and knowledge to help you file a successful claim.

Reasons Your Compensation Could be Reduced

It is important to note, however, that although our injury attorneys will do everything we can to obtain the maximum compensation you deserve, there are some circumstances in which your compensation could be reduced or limited.

New Jersey Comparative Negligence

One of the most common reasons your personal injury lawsuit compensation could be reduced is because of the rule of comparative negligence.

According to N.J.S.A. 2A:15-5.1, fault for a personal injury can be spread between multiple individuals. If the injury victim is found to be partially at fault for his or her injuries, his or her compensation will be reduced by his or her percentage of fault, so long as he or she is not more than 50 percent at fault.

This means that if you were awarded $20,000 in your personal injury case, but were found to be 30 percent responsible for causing your injuries, your award would be reduced by 30 percent to $14,000.

Damage Caps

Some states also place caps on the amount of compensation injury victims can recover from personal injury lawsuits. In New Jersey, the only damage cap is for punitive damages.

According to N.J.S.A. 2A:15-5.14, punitive damages in personal injury cases are capped at $350,000 or five times the compensatory award, whichever is greater.

However, punitive damages are only awarded in cases in which the at-fault party acted out of actual malice or with wanton and willful disregard for the foreseeable harm that could come to the victim. For this reason, punitive damages are rarely awarded.

The Hasbrouck Heights personal injury lawyers at Lynch Law Firm, PC have decades of experience building strong claims on behalf of our clients that help them obtain the maximum compensation they deserve. We will do everything we can to recover every type of compensation you are entitled.

Call (800) 518-0508 to get started fighting for the maximum compensation you deserve.

How Much Does a Personal Injury Attorney Cost?

At Lynch Law Firm, PC, our Hasbrouck Heights personal injury lawyers will handle your case on a contingency fee basis. This means we will not charge you unless we recover compensation.

There is no upfront cost or out-of-pocket expenses to hire our firm, and we do not charge any legal fees or other charges unless we obtain compensation on your behalf.

If we recover compensation for your claim, we charge a small percentage of your recovery. If we do not obtain compensation for you, you owe us nothing.

We also offer free consultations with our team of accident attorneys to discuss the details of your claim and help you determine if you have a case.

Why Hire Our Personal Injury Lawyers?

When choosing to hire a personal injury lawyer, you will want to make sure that your attorney has the skills, experience and resources necessary to handle your claim.

The Hasbrouck Heights personal injury lawyers at the Lynch Law Firm, PC have more than two decades of experience handling a variety of injury and accident claims throughout New Jersey.

During that time, we have acquired relationships with a variety of experts and professionals that will be valuable for investigating, building and advocating for your claim.

We also have established a team of accomplished, well respected personal injury lawyers who know what it takes to build, negotiate and try a successful personal injury case.

Founding Partner Jim Lynch was appointed to and currently serves on the Board of Governors for the New Jersey Association for Justice. He is also Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Civil Trial Attorney, which requires being a member of the New Jersey Bar for at least five years, passing a written examination and participating in continuing education classes, and demonstrating a superb reputation within the legal community.

Both he and Founding Partner Arthur Lynch members of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

Types of Personal Injury Claims We Handle

The Hasbrouck Heights personal injury lawyers at Lynch Law Firm, PC focus our practice solely on personal injury law. This means we are well-versed in the many laws and regulations applicable to your case.

We also know how to build a case that can stand up to any challenges you may face.

For more than two decades our accident lawyers have been committed to fighting for the rights of those who have been injured because of another’s actions. In that time, we have gained practical experience in handling a wide variety of practice areas, including:

Contact Our Hasbrouck Heights Personal Injury Lawyers

You can trust that the Hasbrouck Heights personal injury lawyers at Lynch Law Firm, PC will work tirelessly to represent your best interests and fight for the maximum compensation you deserve.

Contact our firm today for a free, no obligation consultation for a free review of your case and more information about how we can help you.

If we take your case, you will not be charged unless we recover compensation on your behalf. Even then, we will only charge a portion of your recovery.

Call (800) 518-0508 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form.

doctor wrapping up headTraumatic brain injuries (TBIs) occur when the normal functioning of the brain is interrupted because of a blow to the head or penetration from an external object.

The effects of a traumatic brain injury can often be life-altering, but there are times when people make a full recovery and do not suffer life-changing problems. One of the keys to trying to prevent long-term damage is to seek prompt medical attention after an accident.

If you suffered a traumatic brain injury because of another’s negligence, call Lynch Law Firm, PC to find out how a New Jersey brain injury lawyer may be able to help.

How Effective Can Treatment Be?

Some people may make a full recovery after concussions or other mild TBIs. However, even though there have been advances in medicine for treating these injuries, in most cases, there is little that can be done to reverse the effects of a serious TBI.

The long-term effects of a TBI will vary based on several factors, including:

When Treatment Was Sought

One of the biggest predictors of how a TBI will affect a person is how quickly he or she sought medical care. The earlier they receive treatment, the better their chances of preventing further damage and long-term problems. Improvements in emergency care have substantially increased survival rates for severe TBI victims.

Nature of Impact to the Head

Multiple or severe hits may cause more severe TBI’s.

Age of the Victim

The age of the victim often influences how a TBI will affect the victim in the present time and in the future. TBIs in newborns, toddlers and teenagers often result in brain swelling. TBIs tend to cause behavioral and mood changes in people between 20 to 40 years of age. Older victims may suffer from more cognitive problems when they sustain a TBI and are less likely to have a full recovery after a serious injury.

Genetic Factors

Genetics can affect whether a person completely recovers from a TBI and how quickly this recovery occurs.

How a TBI Can Impact Your Life

Many TBI victims must adapt to serious physical and cognitive challenges. Their future may be completely different from what they envisioned. Moderate to severe TBIs can result in permanent physical or mental disability. These injuries may prevent a person from being able to return to work. Additionally, TBIs may make it difficult to complete normal life functions like eating or bathing.

Additionally, TBIs can affect a person’s cognitive function. They may find it more difficult to concentrate on things or to remember. Their relationships with family and friends may change. In some situations, TBI victims become completely dependent on their caregivers.

Some of the more common physical and behavioral effects of a severe TBI include:

  • Physical paralysis
  • Loss of gross or fine motor skills
  • Chronic pain
  • Vision problems
  • Loss of control of bowel and bladder functions
  • Difficulty thinking and remembering
  • Difficulty with concentration
  • Memory problems
  • Development of sleep disorders
  • Problems with executive functions
  • Difficulty talking or expressing ideas
  • Slurred speech
  • Reading comprehension problems
  • Difficulty engaging in social activities

Compensation for Future Treatment

If your TBI was caused by another person’s negligence, you may be eligible to recover compensation for the medical bills that you have already incurred because of the accident. Additionally, you may be eligible to pursue compensation for future treatment and medical expenses, rehabilitation, caregiver expenses and prescription medications.

Other types of compensation that may be available in a TBI claim include:

  • Disfigurement and scarring
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Lost wages and lost earning capacity
  • Lost enjoyment of life
  • Lost companionship
  • Property damage

If your TBI was caused by an intentional act like an assault or the defendant’s reckless conduct, you may be able to request punitive damages. This type of damage is intended to punish the at-fault party and prevent others from committing similar acts in the future.

Contact Lynch Law Firm, PC for Help

If you or a loved one suffered a TBI, the experienced brain injury lawyers at the Lynch Law Firm, PC offer a free consultation. We understand the life-altering effects TBIs can have on victims.

If we find you have a case, we are prepared to fight to recover the maximum amount of compensation that may be available for your claim, including the cost of future treatment.

Call an experienced lawyer today. (800) 518-0508